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A wide range of innovative digital and physical product solutions for sustainable change

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Rudholm Group offers a wide range of innovative digital and physical product solutions for sustainable change. An innovative leader in eco-friendly labels, tags, transfers, sustainable packaging, insulation and trims, along with logistic solutions for the textile and garment industry. Environmentally-conscious design, materials, and manufacturing that meet high levels of anti corruption, social, and environmental standards. We keep you up-to-date on product developments and regulatory changes.

Rudholm is present in 22 countries, with 11 Rudholm owned production hubs, with warehousing solutions close to you.

Poland | Sweden | Portugal | Turkey | India | Bangladesh | Vietnam | Hong Kong | China | Los Angeles ​| Las Vegas 

  • Climate-friendly labels, tags, variable data, transfers, sustainable packaging, insulation, and trims 
  • State-of-the-art digital and logistic solutions for the textile and garment industry – Variable data, ShareLabel, Care Labels 
  • A Digital Team of ten members to offer state of the art digital solutions for you
  • Sole distributor of HD Wool Insulation
  • Largest European distributor of 3M Thinsulate Insulation
  • Sustainable packaging and packing initiatives for footwear/apparel brands and retail/E-commerce operations focusing on Green Supply Chain Management 
  • Partnership with Fidlock with the rights to sell Fidlock products in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark.

You are in full control.


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Helping you across your entire product lifecycle from Design and Distribution to Disposal.


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